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Selling on

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Christian Creatives, Creativity meaning

What does creativity mean to you?

Image by Carlos Torres
Are you a designer or artist looking for a platform to sell your unique creations?

A home for Christian Creatives

Creative Design

Who we are

We are a creative marketplace for designers and artists to sell their unique creations on a collaborative Christian website. Our platform allows you to connect with like-minded individuals and showcase your work to a wider audience. Join us today and become a part of our vibrant community of creators!

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Business Values

Creation Collab Brand Values, COLLAB
Creation Collab Brand Values, CREATIVES

Provide a general description of the items below and introduce the services you offer. Click on the text box to edit the content.

First and foremost Creation Collab are a Christian company who believes in Jesus and his resurrection.


We are a company who believes in our god given gifts of creativity and its power that connects us to our creator whilst spreading the gospel.


We are a company founded on collaboration as its core value. Believing that two is better than one, and together we can go further.

Creation Collab Brand Values, CHRISTIAN


We remember who ultimately created first and therefore create only for him and his glory.

Creation Collab Brand Values, CREATION


Does this sound like you? Keep reading!

We want to support

Christian Creatives
  • Who wants to be a part of a vibrant community

  • Whom God has called to share their God-given talents

  • Are passionate about creating for the Kingdom

  • Who want to reach non-Christians with their designs

  • Don’t want to waste their time marketing but instead, spend it creating

Christian Missionaries
  • Who needs to generate an income to follow their own God-given mission

  • Want to be released to reach people but have finance to support their goals

Christian Side Hustlers
  • Those who are in other forms of work but would like an extra income

  • Those who may not have the time to create their own business, but still want to have a creative outlet

  • Those who don't want to do the business side of selling, but want to just be able to create

Plastic Sheet Floating

Creativity at the heart

We believe that creativity takes us places we never would have imaged. It bridges gaps, and reaches the unreachable.

It speaks sensitively to the heart, captures peoples attention but has the power to provoke where needed.


We believe their is a connection to creativity that people cannot explain because it connects to the one who ultimately created first.

Creativity can help to change the world and we want to be apart of it.


We hope that the items an individual decides to buy sparks joy, creativity and conversations in places unknown.


And we hope that this business idea pulls on the strings of your heart, like it will its people.

Christian creative designer tote-bag-white-front
  • More time for you to create, whilst we create the audience for you

  • Access to more sales that you have not had to generate yourself

  • We will help you to market your products and get seen in more places

  • You are supporting a Christian business rather than helping to generate finance for Non-Christian businesses

  • A percentage of companies finance goes to Christian charities, causes and churches.

  • Access to a Christian Creative community with forums, blog posts and discussions

  • Collaboration project opportunities in the creative community

  • The heart of the business is to support you as an artist and a designer

Why partner with us?

What Our Creatives Say

Ella Greeven, Christian Artist
"Testimonials provide a sense of what it's like to work with you, or what it's like to use your products and services."

Robert Rose, Product Designer


Working With the Best

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Designed by Grace and Co, Logo
Designed by Grace and Co, Logo
hardcover christian bound notebook white front

Want to join our creative mission? Get in touch.

hardcover christian bound notebook white front
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A Christian Creative Marketplace

Creation Collab, Brand Logo

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©2023 by Grace O'Grady.

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